Special protection for the valuable treasures in your garageVintage car insurance
There are wide varieties of vintage car types, models and series. But all these classics have something in common: Character and charm. Owning a vehicle steeped in history and taking it out for a drive occasionally is your great passion. Thus you invest a lot of time and effort in care and maintenance.
Often the vehicle has a considerable material value, in addition to its ideal value. It is understandable that you also impose the highest demands on the insurance cover. Here you can expect the best concept for your show-piece.
Relax and plan your next jaunt
For long-term enjoyment of your vintage car, it should be well insured. Enjoy a light-hearted feeling, with a fair and gentle wind blowing through your hair. We offer vintage car insurance for your classic car with high-performance liability, third-party, fire and theft and fully comprehensive solutions, as well as individual additional benefits.