Real Estate – Wohnungsbaugesellschaft

Building societiesReal estate insurance solutions

We advise our building society clients on insurance issues and all aspects of real estate. The emphasis here is on the areas relevant to management personnel: Manager liability and compliance. Our experts have extensive, market-oriented expertise in D&O/E&O, fidelity insurance, punitive damage insurance and cyber insurance. Our competencies also include liability and protection of supervisory boards. In addition to our own wordings, which we have negotiated with well-known insurers, we also have comprehensive expertise in the area of loss events. Here we offer valuable assistance in case of emergency.

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Insurance due diligence

Carrying out an “insurance due diligence” – actuarial evaluation (target/actual comparison)

We prepare your individual insurance due diligence as a decision-making basis for your future alignment. The existing insurance portfolio is compared in writing with the risk concept that has been determined. Existing deficiencies are assessed and recommendations for action are presented. We provide you with a transparent and objective overview of current premiums on the insurance market based on a broad market tender. On this basis we jointly find potential improvements and solutions.

  • Determination of liability potential enables individual and risk-related consultation
  • Objective identification of all actual risks
  • Assessment (qualitative & quantitative) and categorisation of deficiencies:

A Not essential, but in need of optimisation
Deficiency with high priority / change urgently recommended
C Deficiency with highest priority / must be rectified immediately, because under some circumstances financial existence is threatened

  • Analysis and benchmarking of the previous insurance programme through preparation of the actuarial report / insurance DD (ACTUAL state analysis).
    Preparation and development of a tailor-made concept (target concept).
Transaction management

Specialised transaction team for concept development and placement of W&I insurance to safeguard the sales contract guarantees.

M&A transaction insurance is becoming increasingly important. This due to the fact that the number of M&A transactions is constantly increasing. Here our M&A Business Solutions Team (MABS Team) offers comprehensive advice when entering into a tailor-made insurance solution. In this regard share deals, as well as asset deals can be insured. Particularly in the area of classic M&A transactions, but also increasingly in real estate transactions.

Placement management

Risk assessment: Concept development of the transfer of risk. Call for tenders and placement through an experienced deal & placing team.

Content and price concept development for specification of the risk that must be insured – in accordance with an individually developed protection and risk concept:

  • Review and evaluation of transfer solutions offered by the insurers
  • Negotiations with the risk carriers
  • Preparation of a detailed decision matrix with all cover modules and premium details as a comparison of benefits
  • Application, implementation and documentation of the agreed insurance concept

Market-leading wordings developed by our specialists with exclusive advantages – far above the market standard – are the basis of the transfer of risk.

Risk and contract management

We take over the complete coordination – from risk management and contract processing to claims settlement. Thus we exclusively protect your interests and enforce them with the insurer. We are your external insurance department and represent you in all matters vis-à-vis the risk carriers.

  • Ongoing review and optimisation of insurance conditions, premiums and claims processes
  • Monitoring of contractual obligations and active renewal management
  • Document control and correction of faulty policies and supplements
  • Regular updating of our policy wordings and therefore of the existing transfer of risk
  • Ongoing controlling and updating of the risk profile
  • Offloading, through takeover of administrative tasks, such as document management and communication with the insurer
  • Individual contract service (processing of information, statistics, documents, etc.)
  • Access to all specialist departments of all lines of insurance
  • Strategic insurance consulting in the context of annual meetings or regular jour fixe appointments
  • Personal transition to consultation with our specialists on request
Claims management

We take over the complete coordination of the handling in the event of a claim. We protect your interests exclusively and enforce them with the insurer. From recommendation of a suitable expert, to the final claims settlement, our claims experts are at your service. You will be informed promptly of all developments and interim results. You obtain full transparency on all development steps and results. Thus you are always up to date with the latest processing status. As your external insurance department, we are your representative in all matters with the risk carriers.

  • Specialized and experienced claims team
  • monthly, detailed claims reporting and support for external settlement on site
  • Digital claims settlement via our electronic client portal
  • Optional, digital damage and tradesmen management with expertise:
    • Our own claims service company RCC Real Estate Claim Control GmbH

A loss event occurs quickly and can go into the millions. Moreover, this is always associated with extensive bureaucratic and administrative effort. Many important and coverage-relevant points must be clarified:

  • Is the claim insured?
  • What documents are required?
  • When and how must the insurer be informed?
  • How should a person conduct himself towards a claimant without endangering the insurance cover?
  • Conducting negotiations with insurers, regulators and experts
  • Coordination of all institutions involved in the loss
  • Review of cover rejections or damage reductions

These are just a few of the questions that must be answered when you actually need your insurance. Moreover, we also take over the entire claims settlement relative to your insurer. In addition to your personal risk consultants, our experienced lawyers and experts are at your service throughout Germany. These experts ensure that the circumstances are not interpreted to your disadvantage and that the agreed insurance benefits are complied with.

RCC Real Estate Claim Control

RCC offers innovative solutions for the digital processing of property damage claims:

For more information, please visit

Further added values
  • Via our electronic client portal, you have digital access at all times to all relevant contract documents and claims.
  • Full transparency and insight into all contracts
  • Constant tracking of the individual claims process
MRH Trowe Academy:

Client workshops

  • For the topics: Damage and contractual obligations we offer client workshops throughout Germany
  • Development of individual workshops for hazard sensitization and risk identification

Networking events

  • Regular participation with industry-relevant technical presentations

Individual knowledge transfer

  • Cross-industry networking through selected network partners

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