We take over the complete coordination of the handling in the event of a claim. We protect your interests exclusively and enforce them with the insurer. From recommendation of a suitable expert, to the final claims settlement, our claims experts are at your service. You will be informed promptly of all developments and interim results. You obtain full transparency on all development steps and results. Thus you are always up to date with the latest processing status. As your external insurance department, we are your representative in all matters with the risk carriers.
- Specialized and experienced claims team
- monthly, detailed claims reporting and support for external settlement on site
- Digital claims settlement via our electronic client portal
- Optional, digital damage and tradesmen management with expertise:
- Our own claims service company RCC Real Estate Claim Control GmbH
A loss event occurs quickly and can go into the millions. Moreover, this is always associated with extensive bureaucratic and administrative effort. Many important and coverage-relevant points must be clarified:
- Is the claim insured?
- What documents are required?
- When and how must the insurer be informed?
- How should a person conduct himself towards a claimant without endangering the insurance cover?
- Conducting negotiations with insurers, regulators and experts
- Coordination of all institutions involved in the loss
- Review of cover rejections or damage reductions
These are just a few of the questions that must be answered when you actually need your insurance. Moreover, we also take over the entire claims settlement relative to your insurer. In addition to your personal risk consultants, our experienced lawyers and experts are at your service throughout Germany. These experts ensure that the circumstances are not interpreted to your disadvantage and that the agreed insurance benefits are complied with.