Titelbild Women at MRH Trowe

Women@MRH TroweWe stand for equal opportunity

We believe that a modern and successful enterprise needs diversity and variety. Our female employees should therefore be able to unfold their creativity and participate actively in the development of our company.

That is why we established Women@MRH Trowe. Half of our employees are female, some in management. We would like to offer even more women opportunities for professional and managerial responsibility and to create a separate communication channel for them.

The platform should facilitate more effective networking, while serving as a forum for the discussion of challenges and a channel for the
focused pursuit of career opportunities. To bring about change as an employer, we need to know which conditions and processes have to be adapted to make positions of responsibility attractive to women.

Our priorities

  • Discussion with female colleagues from different positions, regions, age groups and career levels
  • Round table format
  • Presentations on insurance issues/developments and soft skills
  • Targeted individual training for career and personality development
  • Participation in campaigns, such as International Women’s Day
  •  Planning and implementation of local Girl’s Days
Mentoring & Coaching
  • Successful female managers and experienced experts are there to assist junior staff
  • Speed coaching by board members

Our goal: “Women@MRH Trowe” provides a platform for female talents as well as experienced professionals and managers, to
allow them to network more effectively and develop their competences.

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