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Receivables financing – more room for manoeuvre and more liquidityFactoring

Modern self-financing through factoring provides competitive advantages thanks to additional liquidity and assures the financial independence of your company. Factoring increases your equity ratio, reduces the debt-equity ratio and improves the rating of your company with banks.
This results in more favourable financing conditions on the capital market. Thanks to its direct cash flow optimization, factoring is often an important component in M&A processes to increase the value of the enterprise.

Our clients retain full communication sovereignty in all services. If desired, you can interact directly with the provider. We provide support as consultants and create equal opportunities for financial partners (“levelling the playing field”).

Security concepts:
  • Factoring in Germany
  • Factoring in export
  • Factoring for foreign companies
  • Forfeiting
  • Factoring of individual receivables
  • Factoring in the M&A process
  • Stock financing
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