
Notification of claim made easy – with our expertsClaims management/claims

Insured loss can quickly become expensive. Especially for companies there are often consequences that threaten their existence.

What do you do if there is a claim? What information does the insurer need in order to process the claim as quickly as possible? Using an example, we explain everything step-by-step.

Notification of claim:

We attach great importance to handling your claim quickly. If you have access to the customer portal, you can store the claim directly there. Your contact person will be notified automatically and can take care of your request.

If you do not have access to the portal, naturally your personal contact person will be at your service.

Alternatively, you can also report the claim to us via the contact box.

Loss prevention – thus you are ideally equipped

We offer our clients a special service: In our client workshops we sketch out your individual risks and potential hazards. In addition, we offer targeted prevention measures. With our know-how you are appropriately prepared against all potential insurance claims.

Our claims management teams are at your side from notification of claim to settlement. Whether private or business claims – we offer reliable support!

Team of Experts Claims Management/Claims +49 69 66 05 889-0 Request callback

#notification of claim made easy

#mcc notification of claim made easy

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