Disability: Close pension provision gapsFringe benefits for employees – employer branding

If an employee can no longer work for health reasons, disability insurance helps him or her safeguard his or her financial existence. This protection against disability is important because the benefits from statutory pension insurance are usually inadequate. Moreover, it is difficult to even receive these benefits at all.

The German Company Pension Strengthening Act (BRSG) creates new opportunities for companies and employees. This reform not only affects the group pension scheme (bAV), but rather it also creates new opportunities to extend disability insurance (bBU).

A win-win situation

Both sides benefit from the bBU. In principle, the company, as well as the employee can save social security contributions through deferred compensation.
The great advantages for the employee are that he does not have to undergo a medical examination and he benefits from favourable group conditions.
Other advantages of the bBU:

  • Transferable to the new employer
  • Private continuation
  • No benefit exclusions
  • Up to €3,500 per month disability protection possible
    Up to €20 million disability protection for management and executives
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