
Optimal coverage for your activityFinancial loss liability insurance for mediators

Financial loss liability insurance is not an obligation for mediators in Germany – however it is a very sensible investment.

Protection of mediators is a traditional need of this profession. Now the Federal Mediation Association is responding to the desires of its members. The initial inspiration was the fiduciary duty: Members of the Federal Mediation Association should obtain exclusive products at a marketable price/performance ratio. This includes innovative conditions and content, as well as qualified advice from an external service provider.

Anyone who works as a mediator should be comprehensively insured to cover their liability risks.

Thus, the Federal Mediation Association had exclusive mediator coverage developed for the professionalisation of mediation. This was preceded by a two-year research, negotiation and development process. For the time being, the exclusive professional indemnity insurance and office inventory insurance are only available to members of the Federal Mediation Association (Bundesverband Mediation). The Federal Mediation Association itself does not act in an advisory or mediating capacity. However it recommends, that liability risks arising from the mediator’s activities should be sustainably covered. These include both justified and unjustified financial losses (as well as personal injury/property damage) and inventory risks (all-risk).

For members of the Federal Mediation Association, Mesterheide acts as the first and direct point of contact – for all questions involving advice, service, mediation and claims processing. Thus, the consulting and contractual relationship exists exclusively between the mediators and Mesterheide.
To benefit from exclusive insurance products, active professional association membership in the Federal Media Association (not sponsoring membership) is all that is required.

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Coverage of liability risks arising from mediation activities

This is more about protecting “real” financial losses than it is about personal injury or property damage that is caused. In other words, the claims that are most likely in day-to-day work life and can therefore be put the continued financial existence of the mediator at risk. Also the function of liability insurance is always to ward off unjustified claims. In this regard, all secondary activities as a mediator are also insured – without the need for an additional explicit activity description.

The inclusion of a sum insured on the policy sometimes gives the erroneous impression that real financial losses are already insured. However, this is rarely the case. Often the real financial losses are again excluded in the General Terms and Conditions of Liability Insurance (AHB). Or they are only limited to a certain part (e.g. Internet damage). Here a separate examination of the existing and current liability contracts may be necessary.

Safeguarding the professional inventory with all-risks coverage

For office inventory or mobile inventory: Together with cover of liability risks, a simple application is possible without the usual rate zone classifications – with significantly extended coverage. Particularly evident is the protection against simple theft and theft from locked motor vehicles. Laptops and cameras are also insured outside the insurance location, up to €10,000.

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