
Individual insurance solution for all aspects of plastics processing and finishingCorporate insurance concepts for the industry

The conversion of natural materials into plastics is still a very young industry. It did indeed have its beginnings in the 17th century. However, as in industry its breakthrough did not occur until the middle of the 19th century.

Since then, the plastics industry has been more than a growth industry. Its development shows a central industrial sector of the German economy. It is indispensable in the manufacture of packaging and in the main sectors of the construction, furniture, automotive and electronics industries. In addition, many of the properties and applications of “plastics” also trigger new needs in other sectors, such as the agriculture, medical and sports industries.

Omnipresent plastic products have now become part of our everyday life (e.g: PET bottles, window and door frames, foils, cables and prostheses).

The challenges on the market

The increasing processing and finishing of plastics results in increasing value concentrations in your company. Thus an appropriate insurance solution, and a properly designed fire protection concept are required.

The significance of fire protection on a technical, structural and organisational level is becoming ever more complex and involves many hurdles. Hurdles also arise due to the increasing requirements imposed by government agencies and insurance companies.

In addition to all these challenges, deadlines that ever more densely scheduled must also be met (just-in-time / just-in-sequence). Therefore, you are compelled to organise your machinery and the logistics behind it effectively. Also the increasing values of your machinery and the tools, which are becoming ever more individual, must be appropriately protected. This is the only way to ensure that they will be quickly ready for use again after a loss due to business disruption.

In addition to all material risks, there is also a considerable entrepreneurial risk in the area of your supply chains. As a company, you can manage and control this risk yourself (supply chain management). A failure affects not only your success, but also the continuity of your business in a tough market. Also analyse your supplier’s sites, and the sites of your suppliers’ suppliers to protect against a failure. Also the increasing frequency of catastrophic natural disasters considerably boosts the potential of a loss occurrence, and should be included in your considerations.

In the area of liability insurance, there are major challenges that are characteristic of the current insurance market. The fast pace of our times and a rapidly growing economy increasingly foster liability cases (personal injury, property damage and financial losses). The absence of assured properties, testing and sorting costs for large batches, facilities that endanger bodies of water (tanks, thermal oil installations, etc.) or access to subcontractors, only represent a fraction of possible damage scenarios. Thus a safeguard through extended product liability insurance, if necessary recovery of recall costs, as well as environmental liability / environmental damage insurance, is indispensable nowadays.

Overall, technical progress presents companies in the manufacturing and machining process with the considerable challenges of error-free transfer of liability (keyword: Extended Workbench or Industry 4.0).

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Risks involved in the processing and finishing of plastics
  • Fire (structural, technical and organisational fire protection) business interruption (loss of earnings insurance, supplier/customer contingent business interruption)
  • Machine interruption losses
  • Delivery of products to industry
  • Environmental damage
Fire / fire protection

In the insurance market, plastics processing and finishing are classified as “serious risks” due to their exposed fire hazard. Existing fire protection systems and requirements are very extensive and their definition is complex.

The raw materials and granulates to be processed are heated up under pressure, plasticized and homogenized. They are then processed via the respective process technology (e.g. extrusion, injection moulding, etc.) into a semi-finished product or finished product. Due to the applied pressure, in conjunction with the required heat development, there is great potential for fire hazards. High combustion heat and flow behaviour are negative properties in the event of fire. The hydrophobic nature of the molten mass is a complicating factor. A controlled fire-fighting deployment by the fire brigade is therefore virtually impossible, and a “controlled burn-down” is the result.

Other negative flammability properties are:

  • Low softening and melting temperatures
  • Melting, dripping, run-off, liquefying
  • Low ignition temperature
  • High combustion heat
  • Heavy soot build-up
  • Formation of corrosive or toxic gases
  • High environmental impact with an increased hazard radius
Solution approaches

For a holistic solution, we offer our “360-degree view”.

Your advantage lies in our in-depth analysis of your existing insurance programme. This we combine with a detailed analysis of your actual key risk areas.

In addition, our own technical departments are in constant contact with the insurance providers. This enables an ongoing professional exchange and the necessary negotiations, which are conducted on an equal footing.

We would be pleased to prepare an individual profile for you. Put us to the test!

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