
Individual insurance solutions for all aspects of metalworking and processingCorporate insurance concepts for the industry

In the year 1830 Alfred Krupp took industrial steel processing to a new level. The demand for steel generated by rail industry and later for the armaments industry appeared to be infinite. Ever since, metalworking and metal processing companies have been increasingly manufacturing series products with specific application profiles. The demands changed rapidly on this basis.

Today, the market entry barrier for companies is characterised by economic pressure to assure economy and quality. This pressure results from the ever more rigorous requirements imposed on material quality and standards (example: ENA – Electronic Nomination Agreement).
Today, the production process is shaped equally by:

  1. Quality assurance
  2. Technology requirement
  3. Fabrication
  • These factors must be taken into account when MRH Trowe draws up a company-specific risk profile.
The challenges on the market

The complexity of the high-quality materials required by the industry (various grades of steel and new materials, such as aluminium, titanium, manganese, etc.) always pose new challenges for companies.

3 years ago, the CO2 laser was the measure of all things. Now the fibre laser system has opened up new dimensions of efficiency and cutting speed.
The quality demands of the market require an ever increasing production standard. This is associated with the constant change of the machinery.
New investments in machinery, technology and new operating or storage facilities require regular review and adjustment of the existing insurance cover.

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Risks involved in metalworking and processing

The significance of fire protection on a technical, structural and organisational level is becoming ever more complex and involves many hurdles. Hurdles also arise due to the increasing requirements imposed by government agencies and insurance companies.

In addition to all these challenges, deadlines that ever more densely scheduled must also be met (just-in-time / just-in-sequence). Therefore, you are compelled to organise your machinery and the logistics behind it effectively. Also the increasing values of your machinery and the tools, which are becoming ever more individual, must be appropriately protected. This is the only way to ensure that they will be quickly ready for use again after a loss due to business disruption.

In addition to all material risks, there is also a considerable entrepreneurial risk in the area of your supply chains. As a company, you can manage and control this risk yourself (supply chain management). A failure affects not only your success, but also the continuity of your business in a tough market. Also analyse your supplier’s sites, and the sites of your suppliers’ suppliers to protect against a failure. Also the increasing frequency of catastrophic natural disasters considerably boosts the potential of a loss occurrence, and should be included in your considerations.

In the area of liability insurance, there are major challenges that are characteristic of the current insurance market. The fast pace of our times and a rapidly growing economy increasingly foster liability cases (personal injury, property damage and financial losses). The absence of assured properties, testing and sorting costs for large batches, facilities that endanger bodies of water (tanks, thermal oil installations, etc.) or access to subcontractors, only represent a fraction of possible damage scenarios. Thus a safeguard through extended product liability insurance, if necessary recovery of recall costs, as well as environmental liability / environmental damage insurance, is indispensable nowadays.

  • Fire (structural, technical and organisational fire protection) business interruption (loss of earnings insurance, supplier/customer contingent business interruption)
  • Machine interruption losses
  • Delivery of products to industry
  • Environmental damage
Solution approaches

For a holistic solution, we offer our “360-degree view”.

The entire production chain from processing to the finished product involves many fire risks. Negotiating with the risk carriers regarding a fire protection concept tailored to your circumstances is an essential part of our risk management. This also takes into account your individual economic and statutory boundary conditions for fire protection at all times.

With regard to purchase of insurance cover, we advise you professionally concerning the placement of your contract. If there are complex requirements, we place your insurance programme with national and international risk carriers. In addition, we have sufficient experience in putting consortia together and vertical pricing.

In addition, our own technical departments are in constant contact with the insurance providers. This enables an ongoing professional exchange and the necessary negotiations, which are conducted on an equal footing.

We would be pleased to prepare an individual profile for you. Put us to the test!

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