
Individual insurance solution for all aspects of food production and processingCorporate insurance concepts for the industry

The food industry is one of the four largest industrial sectors today. Like other industries, it has also experienced revolutionary changes. The development is fast moving and lives on export. The demand for quality and sustainability in this industry is constantly increasing. In addition, there is constant further development of process technologies and biotechnological innovations. They drive food technology forward and establish new career perspectives.

The challenges on the market

In the food production and processing sector, the balancing act between margins and the requirements of customers, government agencies and insurers must be achieved on a regular basis.

In the first step, consultation has two directions of impact: Protection of equity capital and protection of fixed assets; and thus protection of the basis for the company’s existence. As a food manufacturer and supplier to the relevant retail chains, you usually must comply with the International Featured Standards (IFS Food) or international GMP, HACCP, SQF, BRC and GLOBALGAP.

Despite all efforts to comply with the certification, technical, personnel or organizational errors give rise to malfunctions. These can often be resolved through integrated risk management.

Sometimes the problems are too big. This is where a comprehensive insurance cover as a rescue anchor can help. In addition to product recall and recall cost recovery, your company needs advice from specialists. Also important is financial security (balance sheet protection) in the event of discontinuation or non-acceptance of goods with a critical BBD in the in your own warehouse. Together we analyse the existing structures and develop a veritable insurance concept. With this objective, we find the right insurer(s) for you.

Another essential point is protection of fixed assets, even against damage-related asset losses on the part of the client. Due to the diversity of the companies, there is no “Scheme F” here that can be adopted as a generally valid pattern.

The major losses in recent years have resulted in a market shortage, because some insurers have withdrawn from the market. Our task was: To assure coverage to the maximum possible extent.

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Solution approaches

Preparation of a suitable protection concept is an interdisciplinary task between architect, fire protection engineer, entrepreneur, government agencies and the potential insurance companies.

Here our work already commences with the planning of new production facilities or the conversion of existing ones. We know the requirements for structural, organisational, process-typical or plant-specific protective measures. We provide the fire protection engineer with the necessary input to bring about long-term insurability under the best possible conditions after completion.

In addition, our own technical departments are in constant contact with the insurance providers. This enables an ongoing professional exchange and the necessary negotiations, which are conducted on an equal footing.

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