The timetable for your safety - on rails to successFor all companies in rail transport and local public transport
Green light for protection – on the road to success for all railway and public transport operators
Public transport and rail freight traffic are indispensable for mobility and the environment in Germany.
The industry is undergoing constant change. In addition to the digitalization and electrification of rail traffic, it is also necessary to make it more attractive. Renewal of the vehicle fleet can be crucial in reducing emissions and operating costs, while simultaneously increasing safety. Consequently, this opens up more opportunities, but also involves more risks.
More protection for everyone
With more than 30 years of experience in providing individual insurance concepts and comprehensive risk management, we tailor our approach to insuring your risks to the particular requirements of the enterprise.
As one of the leading insurance brokers for risks associated with rail-related enterprises and bus companies, we attach great importance to a long-term relationship based on trust and cooperation.